Sunday, June 21, 2009

Quy y Familia!

No pictures of Otavalo yet, because I forgot my camera. Not to worry, though, I will be putting up photos of the market as soon as I steal them from my friends. The only picture I have from the Otavalo trip is of the handmade Marzipan figures that we learned about in a little town. We got to watch the women actually making them! In the mean time, I spent today with my family and met EVERYONE! I put up a picture of me with my Ecuadorian mother and sister, as well as one of more family. We went out to lunch as a huge group, and I ordered Quy. I am not sure if the pictures are big enough that you can see the curled up claws, or the protruding tooth of the guinea pig on my plate, but if you need a larger picture, let me know. It was a great trip and the family is incredibly wonderful and welcoming. I enjoyed listening to singing and guitar, as well as a ballet dance, a dramatic monologue, and a song from my 11 year old cousin. She was incredibly extroverted and her English was fabulous! Hopefully I can get up more pictures tomorrow of the actual marketplace. In the meantime, enjoy these! And if you happen to comment, remember to leave your name. I have comments from people, but I have no idea who these people are!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. STEPHANIE! That is horrible about the guinea pig being on YOUR plate!!!! Did you actually eat it? What was it like?

    Love your favorite VEGGIE friend!

    EZE Dawg
    (haha I haven't used that one in a long time)
